Please, Provide me factual proof for this statement? Please tell me how accusing the entire church of these people as not caring or being sympathetic is acceptable ? He just singled out an entire group of people and said they dont give a f%@K. this is wrong in so many ways...
"Sadly, not one JW has expressed any sympathy towards that parents of the deceased child."
"In fact, all that is said is, " Where were the parents? Why was the child riding a skateboard down the road?!?"
Here is another statement that is wrong! Every person including the OP and his friend would ask the same questions when a child ends up in the road. How the hell do you allow your child to go into the street ? Where were the parents? Why werent you watching them.. etc?
Also, You said "all that is said is" How do you know that was all that was said??? Please explain how you know nothing else at all was said??? I have family that are Jw's and they are really nice people with big hearts. I can only assume like most people in this world they are saddened by the loss of life and care greatly about what happened. I have yet to see any proof to the contrary.
there hasbeen absolutely no mention of the devestating loss to the parents of the child." How do you know what has been mentioned? Are you eease dropping on their phone calls? Sitting in the living rooms? At thier church listening to them? I bet they have talked about it quite alot and how sad they are for both the child and the church member.Unless, you can provide proof they dont care you are just hurling accusations .
Their personal pain is eclipsed by the outworking of Jeehoober's love toward the "true Christian." Sister. Again how do you know? Because your riend told you? How does he know what everyone else thinks and feels and talsk about?
Yeah, So many posts not just this one hurling accusations.
I do agree with you on this point.. How could god bless you while allowing others to suffer unbearably? It makes no sense.